Custom Scientific Glassware
Glass Capabilities
URG | Scientific Glass
URG Scientific Glass allows custom solutions
for glassware needs.
- Lathe
- Bench Work
- Scientific Glassblowing
- Anneal
- Grind
- Polish
- Cut
URG | Glassware Materials
Providing viable glassware for the scientific industry.
- Quartz
- Borosilicate (Pyrex)
- Other types
URG | Glassware Consumers
URG specializes in custom designs for various industries.
- Pharmaceutical
- R&D
- Educational and Research Facilities
- Petrochemical
URG | Scientific Glassware
URG offers a complete line of scientific glassblowing services.
- Design
- Consult
- Custom Fabrication
- Modifications
- Repairs
- Finishes
Custom Scientific Glassware by URG
URG is highly qualified, and ready to help you with your custom scientific glassware needs
Quality & Experience
Meeting our customer needs through innovation and engineered excellence.
About URG
URG is an internationally recognized experts in the scientific glassblowing and Air Sampling industry located in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. We are composed of a highly qualified, dedicated staff with years of experience. All products go through a detailed quality and performance check to ensure that our customers get top grade glassware. Our scientific glassblower and staff are always available to answer any questions that may arise.